Colortec ORIGIN is a winner!
Our sustainable carpet solution Colortec ORIGIN was presented in materialPREIS 2020 by raumprobe and received recognition in the category Verfahren (processes).
Our sustainable carpet solution Colortec ORIGIN was presented in materialPREIS 2020 by raumprobe and received recognition in the category Verfahren (processes).
Photos © raumprobe, Stuttgart
This prize is awarded to extraordinary and future-oriented materials, special surfaces, concepts and innovative processes.
ORIGIN convinced the jury, based on the way we use the natural, un-dyed wool to create the yarns. The colour is mixed before the spinning process; it is a very meticulous process, done by hand, to ensure the right nuances. The integrated felt backing made from recycled PET and the Cradle to Cradle certification were also attributes appreciated by the judges.
Raumprobe is a library of materials for architects, entrepreneurs, and the like to support innovative interior, architecture, and design.
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