Ideas for sustainable hotel interior.
March 2019
Ideas for sustainable Hotel Interior
Sustainability is a major subject, also in the hospitality industry. Within interior design this results in all stakeholders rethinking the design processes and materials.
It can be diffuse and complex to relate to “sustainability”. However, this should not hold us back! As a starting point, we can assess the products based on one or more of the following parameters: Certifications, choice of material (recycled material and material health), recyclability and responsibility in the production process. In general, as a consumer, both in private and professional terms, you can choose suppliers taking responsibility in terms of both attitude and action.
The majority of interior design products understood as sustainable are based on recycled material. This does not necessarily have to be. A sustainable product can be made of new raw materials, focusing on good materials, high quality, and based on responsible production.
Many exciting design products have been created based on sustainable design thinking. We have looked into some of these inspiring solutions.
Be inspired!